Primenet Code Vulnerability Analysis with software development (CVA)

Software applications are the power behind business productivity, and as such are also the most widely abused and breached resource within enterprises. In today’s competitive world, organisations are under pressure to produce and continually update and evolve their software at a rapid rate – but at what cost?
Security issues must be an essential aspect of all new software development, not simply an afterthought. With Primenet CVA, security becomes integral to the software development process, identifying security vulnerabilities in source code during development, helping users to harden their applications in the early stages of the software development lifecycle.


  • DEVOPs: Secure applications in development
  • Accurate and easy to follow remediation steps
  • Reduce QA cycles in development
  • Indepth reporting
  • Share development project with members of your team
Primenet CVA helps the developer understand the root cause of any security issues, providing realtime feedback, which leads to fewer vulnerabilities, less requirement for fixes to old code, and a more robust end product. With tighter security practices required to protect end-user data and retain secure mission critical operations, organisations cannot afford to potentially release or deploy unsecure software.